Monday, 30 November 2015

1822 Rhemusaig & Kinnauld

Both Rhemusaig and Kinauld were at one time part of Dornoch parish although geographically always in Rogart!
The following people were recorded on the Dornoch Labour List of 1822. This list recorded all males above 16 year of age residing within the Parish of Dornoch excluding servants.  Full list appears in our Dornoch section.

Those from Rogart on the list are:

BUY, John, farmer, Kinnauld
CAMPBELL,  Donald, farmer, Kinnauld
MACDONALD, Andrew, farmer, Rhemusaig
MACDONALD, George, labourer, Kinnauld
MACINTOSH, John, farmer, Rhemusaig
MACKAY, Donald, residenter, Rhemusaig
MACKAY, Donald, son to William, Kinnauld
MACKAY, John, tailor, Rhemusaig
MACKAY, William, Smith, Kinnauld
MURRAY, Alexander, army pensioner, Rhemusaig
MURRAY, James, farmer, Rhemusaig 
MURRAY, William, miller, Rhemusaig 
SUTHERLAND, Alexander, army pensioner, Rhemusaig
SUTHERLAND, Thomas, farmer, Kinnauld
 updated 01/03/2016

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