Monday, 29 February 2016


Parish of Rogart
'Rogart is the next station, and we enter the parish by the upper end of Strath Fleet which widens to the eastward, and its slopes, in some place rugged and steep, on others rising gradually, present a variety of pleasing scenery.  The want of woods certainly detracts from the appearance of many parts of this glen, but the cottars' neat and apparently comfortable houses, and the mansion-like residences of the large farmers go far to give the whole district a look of comfort and prosperity.  The men of Rogart are generally considered to be of superior physique and, at the recent review of volunteers at Edinburgh by Her Majesty, it was remarked that the detachment from the county, and especially the men from this parish, presented an appearance that was favourably noticed by all.'  (Tourists' Guide, 1883, Hew Morrison)

During medieval times in Rogart small scale farming occurred in almost every glen and people lived by a clan or feudal system.  Small townships were found all around and people were subsistence farmers with economies relying on small black cattle - the original Highland cattle.  The Clearances changed this way of life forever in the early and mid 1800s.  People were cleared from the glens to make way for sheep which provided a much more profitable income for landlords.  Today Rogart depends on crofting, farming, sporting estates and tourism for employment and income.  The crofts you see around have been farmed for many years and this traditional low intensity farming is very valuable, both for the environment and local communities economic and social life.  Many of the old crofts are still inhabited by descendants of original Rogart folks.

Information here includes:
There are links on the right to all other parishes of Sutherland plus items that relate to all parishes - for specifically Rogart items use LABELS on right.

Burial Grounds
There are two burial grounds in Rogart - St Callan's churchyard and the new cemetery. Both have been photographed and transcribed and can be seen in the Burial Grounds  section. 

See also: 
Rogart War Memorial
Parish Project Albums - view photographs of people and places in Rogart
Natives of Sutherland - includes people from Rogart who left the county
Rogart Mountain 
Maps of Rogart - a modern Google map on right also
Inchcape, Rogart - a project by members of our mailing list 
1809 Militia List of Rogart
1824 Militia List of Rogart 
1812 Statute List - label on right 
Schools - early education in Sutherland  
Sutherland People  - Rogart families being researched by our members


ROGART, the story of a Sutherland crofting parish, by John Macdonald, published by Rogart Heritage Society ISBN 0 95311724 4 9, from days long gone through to today, this book will keep all those with links to Rogart enthralled. Updated version of this book with a new index is now available direct from John Macdonald    

The Duke of Sutherland's Memoirs, contains a full list of all those who made a contribution to the Duke's statue in 1834

Ministers & Men of the North - can be read on the internet

updated 17/3/2016

Friday, 26 February 2016

Inchcape, Rogart

Inchcape, Rogart - high above the valley of Strath Fleet - also known in the past as Inchcheap

This is a new project for this website. One place at a time we can dig up its’ history writing it as we go. Something worthwhile and looking to the future this can be done for many places in Sutherland.  I chose to kick off with Inchcape, Rogart simply because I already have a good deal of information.  We have at least three members of our mailing list with ancestors from Inchcape who have all been a tremendous help.  Please note that the photographs on this page are also shown full size in our album section.  
The report by Patrick Sellar for the Sutherland Estates on the rentals in Rogart due on Martinmass 1811 and Whitsun 1812 reported that there were 8 named small tenants living in Inchcape. During the ‘Clearance’ of Rogart in 1819 all those who lived down in the valley around Rovie were removed. We know that Robert Leslie was moved from there up the hillside to Inchcape. By 1819 some residents received notices to quit but for some reason none were removed. Most of the people up at Inchcape still lived in the old traditional cottage style home although a James Sutherland there had built a stone house before 1819.

Today up at Inchcape there are many rebuilt crofts, many piles of stones the sad remains of homes which once held many, many people.

This photograph was found recently in an old house at Inchcape.  It is estimated that it was taken at the end of the 19th century.  It shows many of the houses of Inchcape as we have never seen them before. Huge thanks to Fiona and David Perry and her family in Rogart for sending us the pics and lots of useful information.
Here is the same pic with the houses numbered - more about that in a moment.

Here is the second of the old photographs found:

and the numbered version:

 Two old photographs of Inchcape, Rogart.

Numbers showing which house is which. Numbers relate to both the above numbered photographs.

1. Davidson’s – two houses for two brothers, John and Alexander in early 1800s - Fiona Perry descends from this family - READ MORE

2. Sutherlands – always - still a Sutherland there today - INFORMATION HERE

3. Today there is a new house on this site – the old house may have had links with the Vass family who lived further along at Rossal

4. Blarich area – may be the house which is nowadays a holiday home right by the railway – not sure who lived there

5. Blarich School

6. Gunn/Ross house

7. We think Wemyss Mackay, shoemaker, lived here

8. This is the Innes house – once lived in by James Innes then his son James. Cathy Bowran, sister to James lived there also. There are connections with Leslie also.

9. We do not yet know who lived here

10. Not sure

11. Campbell house

12. Craggan – home of the Mackay family – it is said that there were two houses at Craggan – both used by the Mackay family. See the following photograph showing Craggan 
13. Sandan’s – unfortunately we do not know a great deal about this house.
Here is the photograph up at Craggan (no 12) by David Perry in 1981 - note the fantastic views to Ben Armine and Ben Klibreck!

and finally on this page Sandan's (no 13) again by David Perry 1981

Together with my friend Sheila Mackay we have climbed the hill at Inchcape up to Craggin and can vouch for the amazing views
from the old house but oh the walk up the hill with provisions must have been a nightmare.  
updated 04/09/2018